Instructions – Point-of-sale marketing and large-format printing
File format
- Submit the materials in print-ready PDF format
- Use Adobe software for generating the PDF materials
- If you send us an editable layout file, remember to also send all necessary images, fonts and other files
Image resolution
- Minimum resolution of tone images in 1:1 size 150 dpi (in large prints 50 dpi is enough)
- Minimum resolution of monochrome images 600 dpi
- Minimum line thickness 0.28 pt or 0.1 mm
- All fonts used in the work need to be included in the PDF file
- It is best to turn the fonts in graphic files into paths
Colours and overprint
- We use Coated Fogra39 as the 4v profile and Adobe RGB (1998) as RGB profile. Include RGB and CMYK profiles in the images
- Possible spot colours are converted to the CMYK format so that the colour equivalence is as close as possible to the original spot colour
- For the best end result, convert the colours to the CMYK format in advance by using colour values meant for coated papers
- Contact us for additional information concerning other than black or white White_Ink overprints
Bleed margins and cutting lines
- A bleed margin of 5 mm needs to be added to the visual size. The bleed margin should not include any elements that need to be visible in the end product.
- Make sure that the bleed margin and the cutting lines are included in the PDF file
- For contour cutting, a solid cutting line in Cut spot colour needs to be included on its own page
- Specify the size of the publication to be the same as the final cut size of the product
- Print the pages one page at a time, not one spread at a time
- Position the materials in the middle of the sheet, with the final product and bleed margin fitting in entirely
Transfer of materials
- Use the server for transferring materials; user credentials are available from your contact person
- You can also submit materials using our online form:
username: hpupload, password: Transfer9 - You can also use a browser-based service, such as Wetransfer, for transferring the materials
Remember to send a message about the file transfer to Use the job number or another clear identifier as a reference.